The Wentzel-meeting 1997

A Tummeliten climbs away.
The Wentzel meeting is a competition for some of the designs sold by
Wentzels, one of the oldest hobby shops in Stockholm. It is usually held the
first Sunday in June, in the afternoon/evening to avoid the worst winds.
The Tummeliten is an all balsa rubber powered stick tractor,
the other models are all rubber powered fuselage designs.
The Tummeliten class was won yet again by
Sigurd Isacsson (of Sunnanvind fame), who is still active on the vintage
scene. He gets durations in excess of two minutes from this
simple all balsa design.

Sven-Olof Lindén launches his winning "Gladan". This Wentzel-design
is a development of the British "Lincol", one of the first European
designs featuring the then revolutionary new construction technique; tissue
covered balsa.

The family Sjöberg flotilla of vintage models
Winner; Sigurd Isacsson
Kungsörnen, Fröjd, Tip-Top
Winner; Tomas Hultgren with a Fröjd
Cirrus, Gladan
Winner; Sven-Olof Lindén with a Gladan
FIB, Trim
Winner; Tomas Hultgren with a FIB